Monday, April 22, 2013

Who Stole My Baseball Card ?

Hi, my name is Joe. I have a dog named Ruby. I like sport. Especially, I like to play soccer and baseball with my friends. But, I love to play baseball. Baseball is my favorite sport! At school, I join in Baseball Club. And last year, my team won a trophy! Baseball is never boring to me. When I'm not playing baseball, I like to collect the baseball players cards. From that card, I know everything about baseball players. I thought, collecting baseball cards is easy and fun.

About a month ago, I was walking alone on the field near my house. I want to play baseball, but nobody was in there. I guessed, my friends were in holiday with their family. So, I decided to sat on the field.

When I was sitting alone, suddenly a boy came close to me. First, he introduced his name to me. He is Rick, and he loves playing baseball too. We played baseball together until evening. At 5.00 pm, I decided to went home. Rick had gave new baseball cards to me before I went home. I was really happy!

At night, I was putting my newest baseball cards in my album book. I saw that some of my old cards weren't there. It was strange. I looked surrounding my bedroom, but I didn't find them. I felt awful.

Then, last night, I saw my dog went to the yard. I ran out to look. Finally I saw them, my baseball cards were behind the big rock! I was happy too see my cards. I think my dog likes collecting baseball cards too!

Mayang Indriana Embun Sari
VIII - 8      


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